Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Code Analysis with Exakat on Docker

One of the neatest things I learned about last week at SunshinePHP, was how Exakat can be used to perform static analysis of a codebase to help formalize your code review processes.  It's a great tool for determining how consistent you and your team are being with your code, and has indicators to show you how closely your code base aligns to each of the major PHP versions -- an excellent way to check backward compatibility and/or whether you're ready for a PHP upgrade or not. 

With Docker, it's extremely easy to get things running!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Notes from SunshinePHP 2019

This conference blows me away every year! There is always so much to learn and to share.  This year every attendee was able to receive their very own ElePHPant - so my herd continues to grow (ok, so I actually have a menagerie, since it includes a few Docker whales as well!)

Some of my biggest take aways from this year's conference:

  • MySQL 8 and x shell via docker
  • Security testing technique
  • Swoole! (Async. PHP!!!)

Once again, I'm renewing my determination to pick the blogging back up - it may not have as many Yii specific examples, since I tend not to run into quite as many road blocks there as I used to (9 years with a framework will do that) but I'm constantly running into IaaS challenges that others may value insight into.  If only there were more hours in a day ...