Wow, can't believe how long it's been since I've taken the time to sit down and post on this blog! Just goes to show how crazy and busy life can get. I just got back from ZCOE 2018 - ZendCon & Open Enterprise, where I had the pleasure to present a variety of information about how to incorporate Docker into your daily workflow and use it effectively. It was my first time at ZendCon, and I was very impressed with the conference! There was a lot of great information presented in the general sessions and all of the keynotes were full of both historical information about some of the key tools and aspects of the open source community and information about where those tools are heading in the future. I was particularly intrigued by the information about asynchronous PHP and Swoole. I am way too old school to be excited about anything that screams of going backward (which is where my my mind jumps whenever anyone starts talking about how awesome functional programming is - or serverless, which is just functional programming on demand - I jump back to the pre-OOP days of functional chaos in my head), but async. is something that I can see myself getting behind. Super excited to look into it further, in addition to all the other tips and tidbits I picked up at the conference.
For anyone curious, the slides to my presentations can be found on SlideShare
If you happened to be at the conference, please send in your feedback via - your constructive feedback is always valuable and appreciated!